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Don't Read!

  • Kamis, 23 Februari 2012
  • rani nuralam
  • Label: ,
  • That's right! Don't read! 'Cause you will not understand what in the world i'm talking about, cause it is not about a romantic love story nor Chicken Soup for The Soul, but more about somebody's bitter rare day. Sigh!

    If i could turned back the time, all i wish, didn't have to :

    Lost respect to “look who’s talking!”

    Felt nausea watched ... beeep ... so happy change outfit in the room where the door was widely open.

    Realize having trouble to understand ... beeep ... who oftently talked about the themes of ‘apel washington’ while it meant to be ‘apel malang’ or was in fact a ‘sawi putih’.

    “Angry because :
    (1) cannot identify the word ‘lingking’ in English Dictionary and what is the meaning
         in Indonesia, and
    (2) the noun marker ‘an’ has the same meaning with affix ‘un’(?) ...   
         Somebody! Can you help me choosing which one is correct:
         ‘an apple’     >< ‘un apple’
         ‘an satisfied’ >< ‘unsatisfied’? “

    Feel embarrassed, stupid, and regret when the lens moving from the face to the shoe. No warning about  photo session. It supposed to be indoor and close.

    badly jealous when witnessed a teacher marked up the grade…. and hopely could say,  ‘Please, Bu! Please did it secretly! And did that for me too!’


    The day was so perfectly not right, so absurd and ironic. Still cannot believe had been experienced “The Simultaneously Saturday Live”  in just one short day. All about the progress and the hard work become useless. When you thought the world is about in your hand and ready to welcome the new world, suddenly it fall apart instantly. You didn’t get the thing you’re adore, not even to stole a point.

    Even when Daniel Powter said ... Sometimes the system goes on the blink/And the whole thing turns out wrong/You might not make it back and you know/That you could be well & that strong ... haven't cheer me up.


    Astaghfirullah. Mercy me, God. I am remose dan need to be shown where to step.
    Ya Tuhanku, tempatkan aku pada tempat yang diberkahi & Engkau adalah sebaik-baiknya pemberi tempat. (QS. Al-Mukminun : 29)
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